Sunday, December 25, 2011

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

!±8± Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

You've all heard it, that dreaded 60Hz hum through the speakers of a home theater or house audio system. Hopefully you heard it at a friend's house and not your own. It can drive you completely nuts. You may have even tried, unsuccessfully, to fix the little noise problem. That can make you even more crazy. What causes that horrendous noise through your speakers?

More often than not humming through your speakers is caused by a grounding problem. There are three main ground problems that cause problems in an audio / video system. These are ground loops, improper grounding and lack of a ground altogether. The other possible culprits that can cause noise are bad cables, a faulty piece of equipment or electrical noise from a lighting dimmer or electric motor. There are steps you can take to troubleshoot the noise and eliminate it from you theater.

The first step is find out where it is coming from. Disconnect your source and display equipment from your receiver or surround sound processor. If the noise stops, connect them back to the receiver or processor on at a time until the noise returns. When the hum comes back, you found where the noise is entering your system. Note that if you are connecting remote equipment, such as running the signal from your theater room DVD player to the TV in the bedroom, your chances to pick up noise increase dramatically. With such long runs, noise can be induced into the long cable runs from adjacent electrical wiring. It is also easy to create a ground loop, because the equipment is plugged into two different, widely separated outlets, on different electrical circuits.

If the noise is caused by a cable box, the noise is likely caused by the cable TV ground. To test this theory, disconnect the incoming cable TV feed to the rear of the cable box or TV while they are still connected to the rest of the system. If the noise is eliminated by disconnecting the TV cable, the problem is the cable TV ground. You can electrically decouple the cable TV feed from your system with a ground breaking transformer. These are available from many sources. Be advised that many newer, digital cable TV systems require any device in the signal chain to pass a full 1,000 Mhz. Some of the older ground break transformers will not do this. Be sure to check the specifications of whatever device you are purchasing to verify it will pass the digital cable TV signal.

If the noise is from your projector, TV, or monitor, it is most likely caused because the video display device is plugged into a different outlet than the other a/v equipment. It could be on a different circuit as well. These circuits may have two different ground potentials. That is, the resistance to ground is different on each circuit. A difference in resistance to ground from one ground point to another can cause the dreaded ground loop. If you get a ground loop, current flows between the two components. If the current flows through the components internal audio signal ground, you will get a hum.

You can use an isolation transformer, similar to the type used for cable TV ground problems, to eliminate the electrical connection from one component to the other. These transformers are inserted in line with the audio signal connection between the two components. If there is no audio connection between the components, the problem may be current flowing through the video portion. In this case, a video isolation transformer should be used to eliminate the ground loop.

Sometimes power conditioners will stop noise problems by placing equipment on different, electrically isolated outlets. This is done using isolation transformers. Sometimes this is ineffective however, due to the differences in internal construction of different power conditioning equipment. Some safety regulations, such as UL 1950, specify that an isolation transformer is only allowed to isolate the hot and neutral wires; the grounding wire must be passed straight through. If this is the case, the ground loop problem may still exist because many communication circuits are connected to the grounding conductor and not the neutral. In this case, the isolation transformer, or any power conditioner or UPS with an isolation transformer will have absolutely no affect on the grounding problem.

The noise may be generated externally, from a dimmer or refrigerator compressor for example, and coming in through the main power input on the audio video equipment. In this case, a high quality power conditioner may be effective in reducing or eliminating the noise problem. You may also find that one of the signal interconnecting cables in your system is faulty. This can also cause noise problems. Check for this by swapping the cables with one that you know to be good.

You can solve most noise problems in your home theater or multi room audio/video system by taking the systematic, step-by-step approach. Work your way up the signal chain, eliminating each piece of equipment as you go. If you have nothing connected to your speakers except the speaker wiring, and they still hum, the problem is noise induced into the speaker wiring from adjacent power cables. Other than that case, most problems are caused by ground problems, which you can find, and solve, if you take it one step at a time.

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How To Choose Commercial Intercom Systems

!±8± How To Choose Commercial Intercom Systems

Commercial intercom systems fill a need where a business has a communication problem in part of their building. These intercoms improve productivity, increase safety, and make for more satisfied employees.

Often when a business is looking for a commercial intercom system, what they really need is a telephone system along with an external paging amplfier. The telephone system allows employees to either call specific areas of the building, or with an external paging amplifier and speakers, they can page the entire building. A door phone can be added to the telephone system to enable visitors to an external door of the building to press a button to call someone inside, and that inside person could press a button to unlock the door.

However, there are times where a telephone system is not what is wanted. Telephone systems are expensive and the labor required to run the wires throughout the building is just as expensive. Some telephone systems these days don't even have the capability to do external paging.

If all that is wanted is the door phone application, then you can get an intercom system that has a single outdoor monitor along with a desktop or wall mounted indoor station. Then there is only one wire to run between the door and the inside station. Or you can also choose a wireless intercom for this application.

Sometimes there are just a few areas of the business where some form of communication is needed and there is no desire to run wires to them. That's where a wireless commercial intercom is needed.

One problem with a wireless intercom in many applications is that the environment is more challenging for the wireless equipment. In manufacturing companies there is a lot of equipment that may produce interference. The building construction often consists of metal framed walls and more electrical wiring to handle office equipment. Many commercial buildings are made of concrete walls and floors. These conditions will greatly reduce the range of a wireless intercom.

So when you look for wireless commercial intercom systems you want to make sure a system has a much longer range than you actually need. The longer range the intercom system has, the more power it has to overcome the obstacles in a commercial environment.

So the first thing you need to decide when you think you look at these systems is whether you really need a telephone system instead. If you don't want to invest in a telephone system, then most commercial intercom systems take the form of a wireless system. Then you just need to choose one that will work in your business environment.

How To Choose Commercial Intercom Systems

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Healthy Body = Functional Body. Hollywood Look Side Effect: Healthy Function

My Grandparents chose to love each other when they met as teenagers, and then, they chose to love each other every part of every day, through the Great Depression, through absence during war, child rearing, work, illnesses... Life. Finding TRUE love? They met... And That was it. Again, the true love part was a daily choice whether either was as attractive or as exciting as the day they met. True love depends on each person, not just the one you find or the one that finds you. In other words, Love is a Choice, because we are not 110% lovable 24 hours a day. True love is when each person sees that real life is not like a romance movie script True love is accepting the fact of real life, which brings creative challenges that, with the choice to love, can increase attraction. Popular novels, songs, shows, movies... Each have scripts that are no doubt, inspired. The talented people that write and act, the hundreds or thousands of people that are the list of credits at the end of a movie - from the accountants to the doctors to the musicians and screenwriters - They work on projects that, as finished masterpieces, may often have coincidental similarities to your definition of romance and the most often undefined and over-used phrase... "true love" Again, the credits behind movies, books, shows and songs... include a lot of people. Why, because such productions are intentionally crafted to touch our deepest self. So, they are edited for perfection, music and effects and colors ...

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Cielux LUNE Color Changing RGB LED Mood Light with Intuitive Touch Controls

!±8±Cielux LUNE Color Changing RGB LED Mood Light with Intuitive Touch Controls

Brand : Cielux
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Nov 28, 2011 08:39:43
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The LUNE color changing LED mood light brings brilliant colors to every facet of life. 

The LUNE incorporates Dense Matrix LED technology, user-friendly controls and a sleek body to bring vibrant colors to every occasion. With just one tap of the LUNE’s intuitive touch pad, launch yourself into a world of color with seven preset colors, two smooth continuous color fading modes, and adjustable color intensity. It is the perfect accent to any room, so go ahead, color your life – all with the LUNE. 


Dense Matrix LED Technology

Seven preset colors: red, yellow, green, teal, blue, magenta and white

Two rainbow or automatic modes that cycle through all the colors

Dimming capabilities

Intuitive single touch control interface

Consumes only 9 watts

Estimated 50,000 hour lifetime

For more information, please visit

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Creating a Dynamic Entryway With Feng Shui

!±8± Creating a Dynamic Entryway With Feng Shui

For most people, the entry/foyer of a home is not thought to be an important part of the home, yet from a Feng Shui perspective it is one of the very most important areas we need to consider. The entry is not only the first impression of your living space, it is also a key component in whether or not you will experience comfort, safety and happiness while you live there. the most important consideration in Feng Shui is whether or not a space allows us to feel "safe". If we do not feel 100% safe in our environment, we will not relax, and if we cannot relax we certainly aren't going to enjoy the time we spend in our living and working spaces.

Our basic need for survival is working 24 hours a day, seven days a week and determines whether or not we will relax in a space or feel stress and unease. The entryway can play an important role in establishing the comfort and safety and in turn, the pleasure and relaxation we feel in our homes.

First let's look at the purpose for the entry/foyer. In addition to providing a way into the home, the entry is a "decompression zone" between the outdoors and the indoors. Having a designated entry helps our survival instinct adjust from scoping the outdoor environment we have just left and allows us a couple of moments to shift our attention to an indoor setting.

When we enter an indoor environment from the outside, having a designated entry/foyer provides us with a small space where we can take a second to feel safe and adjust to our new surroundings. A entryway also allows the people in the home to have a buffer between their living areas and any strangers who may arrive at the front door. The entry allows us to experience a sense of safety by protecting us from potential intruders. This allows us a greater sense of comfort and relaxation in our homes.

Here is a list of some other features you may want to bear in mind when considering your home's entrance:


A lot has been written in Feng Shui regarding stairways and the entrance to the home. It is often said that you don't want the stairs to directly face the front entrance as "money will roll right out the door." I don't believe this for a second, but I do know that when we walk into the entry of the home and right smack in front of us are the stairs leading to the bedrooms, the house does not feel as good as when the stairs are located to the side of the door or in another area of the home entirely.

The upstairs is the most private area in most homes. It is also the place where we are the most vulnerable (while sleeping, bathing, etc.). When the most private part of the home is directly exposed to the most public part of the home, the result can be a heightened sense of danger. In other words, it is as if you are providing an easy and direct route for an intruder to enter the most private part of your world. Often people living in homes with this configuration will report that they don't rest as well as they should, or tell me they feel more vulnerable while living in the home.

If this is the case in your home, try not to draw added attention to the staircase. Avoid placing any artwork in the stairwell or at the top of the stairs. It only serves to draw your attention up there. Instead, opt for artwork, patterned area rugs and bold paint colors that can be seen in the downstairs areas to pull your eye away from focusing on the staircase. This will help diminish the overpowering feeling the stairs have when greeting people right at the door. Note, if the stairs are off to the side it is not a problem. I am speaking of stairs that directly cascade in a straight line right towards the front door.

Front Door

In Feng Shui, we prefer to have a solid front door rather than a door with glass panels or windows in it. The reason is simple. A solid front door provides a greater sense of safety for the occupants of the home. Glass allows strangers to see movement or people inside the home and can also be broken to make intrusion easier. A solid front door provides a greater feeling of comfort than a door that includes glass.


The entry should be well-lit by natural light during the day and proper electric lighting at night. Both serve to provide a greater sense of comfort and safety. Windows in the entry should be high enough so an intruder cannot climb in. Windows and skylights above doorways are wonderful ways to bring light in without creating a feeling of vulnerability.


One thing to consider when choosing wood flooring for an entry is whether or not the planks will run vertically, diagonally, or horizontally. If you have a very long hallway leading from your entry, wood flooring with vertical planking can create a feeling of a "Bowling Alley" leading from your front door. You may want to consider alternative options such as diagonal or horizontal placement of the slats. If that is not possible, an area rug or runner will help mitigate the bowling alley effect.


Mirrors can be a great way to bring light into a dark entrance. However avoid placing mirrors on a wall directly across from the door. This placement can create an uneasy feeling for people when they enter and have not had time for their eyes to adjust to the new surroundings. It is disconcerting to walk into a space and feel that someone is coming directly towards you. Even if that someone is YOU! It is best to place mirrors on the walls to the side of the entrance rather than directly across from the door.


The entry is your home's calling card and first impression. Be sure to choose attractive artwork with positive images for the entrance. If the entry is very small and cramped you may want to consider artwork with a landscape that adds a feeling of depth to a small space. A Trompe-l'œil mural is also a wonderful way to give the illusion of more space and interest in a small entryway.


Try to avoid making the entry the "dumping area" for keys, shoes, backpacks and the like. If it is the place where you and your family drop their 'stuff", be sure to provide storage options such as cupboards, boxes with lids, armoires, or any attractive other closed containers that will allow items to be easily stowed without cluttering up the entry. Hat racks and coat racks are not good options for the entrance as they more often than not make the entrance look cluttered, crowded, and messy.

These are just a few ideas for you to consider for your entryway. Remember that your feelings for your home begin at your front door. Comfort, safety, organization, relaxation and beauty are all staged at the entrance to your home. When you consider this aspect of the entrance, this often-neglected space becomes very important. Take a second to observe how your entryway/foyer may be adding to the positive or negative feelings you have about your home. You may be surprised at what you discover!

Copyright 2011, Cathleen McCandless, All rights reserved.

Creating a Dynamic Entryway With Feng Shui

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

JBL CONTROLCRV-WH High Design Indoor/Outdoor Professional Loudspeaker, White, Single Speaker

!±8± JBL CONTROLCRV-WH High Design Indoor/Outdoor Professional Loudspeaker, White, Single Speaker

Brand : JBL | Rate : | Price : $209.00
Post Date : Oct 30, 2011 23:33:08 | Usually ships in 24 hours

  • Dual 4inch shielded woofer and 3/4 inch Titanium laminate dome shielded tweeter on waveguide
  • One Fits in a corner Two on a 180 degree straight or Four in a 360 degree ring
  • Stylish look for many applications in homes and commercial premises
  • Corner/Wall Mount bracket included
  • IP 34 Rating allows outside use and has bug screens on ports

More Specification..!!

JBL CONTROLCRV-WH High Design Indoor/Outdoor Professional Loudspeaker, White, Single Speaker

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Top High-Tech Gadgets

!±8± Top High-Tech Gadgets

If you are looking for the latest High-Tech gadget to improve your life or you have a tax refund coming to you and are wondering what to spend it on, here's the latest scoop on the gadget scene.

iMuffs is a pair of bluetooth wireless headphones designed for use with the Apple iPod. If your phone has bluetooth enabled, the iMuffs will pause your iPod and allow you to take the call using the built in microphone. You don't have to worry about missing a call because you didn't hear the phone ring and you don't have to take the headset off to answer the phone. iMuffs have created a marriage of sound quality and functionality.

The Robosapien media robot is a must have toy for gadget fans. It seems that the Robosapien continues to improve each year. The newest model is equipped with a head mounted camera for motion tracking, taking photos or recording video. The color LCD screen on the chest allows users to display photos or playback video. There's a stereo speaker system with a woofer to play your favorite mp3 files. Robosapien RS media can connect to your pc with a USB cable allowing you to edit the personality, create custom movement sequences or choreograph your own dance moves. There is an SD slot that allows you to install up to 1GB of additional memory to record more pictures or video. Media files can also be uploaded to your PC with the USB cable. The Robosapien has a wireless remote for real tile control. A choice of different personalities and play modes allow you to take control or let the robot do his own thing.

The refrigerator goes High-Tech. Watch HD television on your LG refrigerator with a built in LCD screen. Catch up on the latest news or watch your favorite shows while preparing a meal. The whirlpool central park refrigerator has a connection to add an LCD photo frame, family calendar and list maker, iPod speaker system or tablet computer with Wi-Fi. Gone are the days of refrigerator magnets and sticky notes.

External USB drives have gotten smaller, faster and have more storage. Storing all of your digital media on your computers hard drive can bog down your computers performance. Consider putting all of your songs, photos and video files in one secure, portable place. With a 500GB external hard drive you can store up to 240 thousand pictures, 750 hours of video or 12 thousand hours of music on a single drive. Best of all, you can take them with you to use on your laptop or another computer. Portable drives can connect to your computer using USB or Firewire cables and most of them are small enough to fit in your pocket.

Finally, Imagine being able to float in the pool without having to get out to answer the phone. Uniden has developed a waterproof phone that floats. This is a great phone to have in the kitchen without worrying about dropping the phone in the sink or for an outside patio in case of rain. Not only does it float, it also has caller ID, memory dial, an LCD display, rubber hand grips and a belt clip.

Top High-Tech Gadgets

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wireless Outdoor Speaker Guide

!±8± Wireless Outdoor Speaker Guide

There are too many advantages that one can draw when looking for outdoor wireless speakers. One of the best benefits of such speakers is that a user can go for minimum handling of wires around the garden or lobby area. These are some of the unique and useful items that can be used for offering more ease to your lifestyle, and also add in a lot of style at the same time. However, one needs to understand the exact mean of using outdoor speakers before buying them. After all it's all about showing your social status and due to this reason people never hesitates to go for unique materials and name brand speakers that are available in the market. Unique equipment like outdoor wireless speakers can add more values to your luxurious life. In the market you can find a wide range of speakers that will cover almost any use you can think of from a small patio area right up to a large stadium. But you need to have sufficient information about these cool gadgets.

Due to such a huge variety of wireless speakers in the market, one can easily became confused on what to choose or what not to choose. If you are looking for speakers online then you can find too many reviews from all the different manufacturers in the market. With such information the single thing you need to accomplish is that you don't get confused. First of all you need to determine your needs behind an outdoor speaker. Remember outdoor wireless speakers are specially designed to meet outdoor necessities of people. It can work effectively on longer distances with comparison to indoor wireless speakers. Wireless speakers do have batteries that will supply power to the speakers without having to use mains power. Therefore, you can avoid the consumption of electricity to a lot more extent with outdoor wireless speakers compared to use outdoor wired speakers.

When buying outdoor wireless speaker keep in mind about your requirements and the budget too. Static is the most important thing that you need to look for while opting for such speakers. Static is usually crated from signal intervention if other wireless devices are located nearby. Signal interference may occur due to the presence of devices that works on Bluetooth, radio frequency principles or infrared rays. The common signal frequency that microwave or other home appliances use is 2.4 GHz. So, you can change the frequency of these appliances to observe that each device along with your speaker is working without any problem created due to static. One of the best Frequencies you can get your wireless speakers to work on is the 900mhz range as it has a long range and can go though objects like walls very easily. First you need to understand what sort of technology you want to have with your outdoor wireless speakers for better result. After that you can begin your hunt for it.

Wireless Outdoor Speaker Guide

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